Sculpture Art Stone Image Color Codes


Sculpture Art Stone Colors Logo

Sculpture Art Stone associates with Sculpture, Stone, Art, Marble features. Therefore, such a combination of colors is bound to cause a Dark Mood. Black, Cod Gray, Pine Cone are colors resembling Dark. The #070003 #0D0906 #DAE3DC #635E4F #9CA89D  Hex Colors are all related to Sculpture Art Stone.

Sculpture Art Stone HEX Colors:

Color Name: Black

HEX Code: #070003

RGB: rgb(7, 0, 3)

HSL: hsl(334, 100%, 1%)

CMYK: 0%, 100%, 57%, 97%

Color Name: Cod Gray

HEX Code: #0D0906

RGB: rgb(13, 9, 6)

HSL: hsl(26, 37%, 4%)

CMYK: 0%, 31%, 54%, 95%

Color Name: Willow Brook


RGB: rgb(218, 227, 220)

HSL: hsl(133, 14%, 87%)

CMYK: 4%, 0%, 3%, 11%

Color Name: Pine Cone

HEX Code: #635E4F

RGB: rgb(99, 94, 79)

HSL: hsl(45, 11%, 35%)

CMYK: 0%, 5%, 20%, 61%

Color Name: Envy

HEX Code: #9CA89D

RGB: rgb(156, 168, 157)

HSL: hsl(125, 6%, 64%)

CMYK: 7%, 0%, 7%, 34%


What are the different colors codes in Sculpture Art Stone Image palette?

The Hex Color Codes in Sculpture Art Stone are #070003 #0D0906 #DAE3DC #635E4F #9CA89D .

Which category does Sculpture Art Stone image belong to?

Sculpture Art Stone belongs to Dark Category.

This information was last updated on 26-11-2022.