Oil Painting Picture Painting Image Color Codes


Oil Painting Picture Painting Colors Logo

Oil Painting Picture Painting associates with Oil Painting, Picture, Art, Oil, Painting features. Therefore, such a combination of colors is bound to cause a Blue Mood. Potters Clay, Polo Blue, Barossa are colors resembling Blue. The #8B5735 #8FABC8 #BF9A72 #411A28 #BBD0E4  Hex Colors are all related to Oil Painting Picture Painting.

Oil Painting Picture Painting HEX Colors:

Color Name: Potters Clay

HEX Code: #8B5735

RGB: rgb(139, 87, 53)

HSL: hsl(24, 45%, 38%)

CMYK: 0%, 37%, 62%, 45%

Color Name: Polo Blue

HEX Code: #8FABC8

RGB: rgb(143, 171, 200)

HSL: hsl(211, 34%, 67%)

CMYK: 28%, 15%, 0%, 22%

Color Name: Teak

HEX Code: #BF9A72

RGB: rgb(191, 154, 114)

HSL: hsl(31, 38%, 60%)

CMYK: 0%, 19%, 40%, 25%

Color Name: Barossa

HEX Code: #411A28

RGB: rgb(65, 26, 40)

HSL: hsl(338, 43%, 18%)

CMYK: 0%, 60%, 38%, 75%

Color Name: Spindle

HEX Code: #BBD0E4

RGB: rgb(187, 208, 228)

HSL: hsl(209, 43%, 81%)

CMYK: 18%, 9%, 0%, 11%


What are the different colors codes in Oil Painting Picture Painting Image palette?

The Hex Color Codes in Oil Painting Picture Painting are #8B5735 #8FABC8 #BF9A72 #411A28 #BBD0E4 .

Which category does Oil Painting Picture Painting image belong to?

Oil Painting Picture Painting belongs to Blue Category.

This information was last updated on 26-11-2022.