Dispensary Telephone Booth Phone Booth Image Color Codes


Dispensary Telephone Booth Phone Booth Colors Logo

Dispensary Telephone Booth Phone Booth associates with Dispensary, Phone Booth, Telephone, Phone, Telephone Booth, Booth features. Therefore, such a combination of colors is bound to cause a Beige Mood. White Rock, Burning Sand, Spicy Mix are colors resembling Beige. The #EFE4D9 #CC9277 #13261C #835F47 #436171  Hex Colors are all related to Dispensary Telephone Booth Phone Booth.

Dispensary Telephone Booth Phone Booth HEX Colors:

Color Name: White Rock

HEX Code: #EFE4D9

RGB: rgb(239, 228, 217)

HSL: hsl(30, 41%, 89%)

CMYK: 0%, 5%, 9%, 6%

Color Name: Burning Sand

HEX Code: #CC9277

RGB: rgb(204, 146, 119)

HSL: hsl(19, 45%, 63%)

CMYK: 0%, 28%, 42%, 20%

Color Name: Seaweed

HEX Code: #13261C

RGB: rgb(19, 38, 28)

HSL: hsl(148, 33%, 11%)

CMYK: 50%, 0%, 26%, 85%

Color Name: Spicy Mix

HEX Code: #835F47

RGB: rgb(131, 95, 71)

HSL: hsl(24, 30%, 40%)

CMYK: 0%, 27%, 46%, 49%

Color Name: Blue Bayoux

HEX Code: #436171

RGB: rgb(67, 97, 113)

HSL: hsl(201, 26%, 35%)

CMYK: 41%, 14%, 0%, 56%


What are the different colors codes in Dispensary Telephone Booth Phone Booth Image palette?

The Hex Color Codes in Dispensary Telephone Booth Phone Booth are #EFE4D9 #CC9277 #13261C #835F47 #436171 .

Which category does Dispensary Telephone Booth Phone Booth image belong to?

Dispensary Telephone Booth Phone Booth belongs to Beige Category.

This information was last updated on 10-06-2024.