Branches Hoarfrost Winter Image Color Codes
![Branches Hoarfrost Winter Colors Logo](/image-palette/1959280-branches-hoarfrost-winter.jpg)
Branches Hoarfrost Winter associates with Hoarfrost, Branches, Winter features. Therefore, such a combination of colors is bound to cause a Cyan Mood. Astral, Satin Linen, Mariner are colors resembling Cyan. The #2B61BC #E3E0D7 #95A2B8 #3D71CA #B0AEA6 Hex Colors are all related to Branches Hoarfrost Winter.
Branches Hoarfrost Winter HEX Colors:
Color Name: Astral
HEX Code: #2B61BC
RGB: rgb(43, 97, 188)
HSL: hsl(218, 63%, 45%)
CMYK: 77%, 48%, 0%, 26%
Color Name: Satin Linen
HEX Code: #E3E0D7
RGB: rgb(227, 224, 215)
HSL: hsl(45, 18%, 87%)
CMYK: 0%, 1%, 5%, 11%
Color Name: Santas Gray
HEX Code: #95A2B8
RGB: rgb(149, 162, 184)
HSL: hsl(218, 20%, 65%)
CMYK: 19%, 12%, 0%, 28%
Color Name: Mariner
HEX Code: #3D71CA
RGB: rgb(61, 113, 202)
HSL: hsl(218, 57%, 52%)
CMYK: 70%, 44%, 0%, 21%
Color Name: Silver Chalice
HEX Code: #B0AEA6
RGB: rgb(176, 174, 166)
HSL: hsl(48, 6%, 67%)
CMYK: 0%, 1%, 6%, 31%
What are the different colors codes in Branches Hoarfrost Winter Image palette?
The Hex Color Codes in Branches Hoarfrost Winter are #2B61BC #E3E0D7 #95A2B8 #3D71CA #B0AEA6 .
Which category does Branches Hoarfrost Winter image belong to?
Branches Hoarfrost Winter belongs to Cyan Category.
This information was last updated on 10-06-2024.