W A T E R M E L O N Brand Color Codes


W A T E R M E L O N Brand is a palette in Brand category and belongs to Trademark Sub Category. Download the different hex colors of W A T E R M E L O N Brand. There are a total of 5 different colors which are #C14665 #F05E92 #FBF6EF #D6EA70 #A5C333 . Find the color hex picture of W A T E R M E L O N Brand.

W A T E R M E L O N Brand Palette Colors

W A T E R M E L O N Brand Colors Logo

W A T E R M E L O N Brand Colors

Color Name: Cabaret

HEX Code: #C14665

RGB: rgb(193, 70, 101)

CMYK: 0%, 64%, 48%, 24%

Color Name: French Rose

HEX Code: #F05E92

RGB: rgb(240, 94, 146)

CMYK: 0%, 61%, 39%, 6%

Color Name: Seashell Peach


RGB: rgb(251, 246, 239)

CMYK: 0%, 2%, 5%, 2%

Color Name: Yellow Green

HEX Code: #D6EA70

RGB: rgb(214, 234, 112)

CMYK: 9%, 0%, 52%, 8%

Color Name: Key Lime Pie

HEX Code: #A5C333

RGB: rgb(165, 195, 51)

CMYK: 15%, 0%, 74%, 24%


What are the different colors codes in W A T E R M E L O N Brand palette?

The Hex Color Codes in W A T E R M E L O N Brand are #C14665 #F05E92 #FBF6EF #D6EA70 #A5C333 .

Which category does W A T E R M E L O N Brand palette belong to?

W A T E R M E L O N Brand belongs to Brand and Trademark Category.

This information was last updated on 04-08-2023.