Sulphur Brand Color Codes


Sulphur Brand is a palette in Monochrome category and belongs to Colored Sub Category. Download the different hex colors of Sulphur Brand. There are a total of 5 different colors which are #F2EC44 #BBCF49 #7AA700 #515E04 #2C320A . Find the color hex picture of Sulphur Brand.

Sulphur Brand Palette Colors

Sulphur Brand Colors Logo

Sulphur Brand Colors

Color Name: Starship

HEX Code: #F2EC44

RGB: rgb(242, 236, 68)

CMYK: 0%, 2%, 72%, 5%

Color Name: Conifer

HEX Code: #BBCF49

RGB: rgb(187, 207, 73)

CMYK: 10%, 0%, 65%, 19%

Color Name: Christi

HEX Code: #7AA700

RGB: rgb(122, 167, 0)

CMYK: 27%, 0%, 100%, 35%

Color Name: Saratoga

HEX Code: #515E04

RGB: rgb(81, 94, 4)

CMYK: 14%, 0%, 96%, 63%

Color Name: Turtle Green

HEX Code: #2C320A

RGB: rgb(44, 50, 10)

CMYK: 12%, 0%, 80%, 80%


What are the different colors codes in Sulphur Brand palette?

The Hex Color Codes in Sulphur Brand are #F2EC44 #BBCF49 #7AA700 #515E04 #2C320A .

Which category does Sulphur Brand palette belong to?

Sulphur Brand belongs to Monochrome and Colored Category.

This information was last updated on 04-08-2023.