Painting Renaissance Palette Color Codes


Painting Renaissance Palette is a palette in Dull category and belongs to Pale Sub Category. Download the different hex colors of Painting Renaissance Palette. There are a total of 6 different colors which are #2E1F1E #563C2E #684B31 #D4C89A #CEA663 #79462B . Find the color hex picture of Painting Renaissance Palette.

Painting Renaissance Palette Palette Colors

Painting Renaissance Palette Colors Logo

Painting Renaissance Palette Colors

Color Name: Oil

HEX Code: #2E1F1E

RGB: rgb(46, 31, 30)

CMYK: 0%, 33%, 35%, 82%

Color Name: Irish Coffee

HEX Code: #563C2E

RGB: rgb(86, 60, 46)

CMYK: 0%, 30%, 47%, 66%

Color Name: Shingle Fawn

HEX Code: #684B31

RGB: rgb(104, 75, 49)

CMYK: 0%, 28%, 53%, 59%

Color Name: Pavlova

HEX Code: #D4C89A

RGB: rgb(212, 200, 154)

CMYK: 0%, 6%, 27%, 17%

Color Name: Laser

HEX Code: #CEA663

RGB: rgb(206, 166, 99)

CMYK: 0%, 19%, 52%, 19%

Color Name: Old Copper

HEX Code: #79462B

RGB: rgb(121, 70, 43)

CMYK: 0%, 42%, 64%, 53%


What are the different colors codes in Painting Renaissance Palette palette?

The Hex Color Codes in Painting Renaissance Palette are #2E1F1E #563C2E #684B31 #D4C89A #CEA663 #79462B .

Which category does Painting Renaissance Palette palette belong to?

Painting Renaissance Palette belongs to Dull and Pale Category.

This information was last updated on 18-09-2021.