Indigo Blended Orange Brand Color Codes


Indigo Blended Orange Brand is a palette in Gold category and belongs to Shine Sub Category. Download the different hex colors of Indigo Blended Orange Brand. There are a total of 6 different colors which are #222C65 #5763AB #F2E6C4 #EA5322 #F58459 #E9C49A . Find the color hex picture of Indigo Blended Orange Brand.

Indigo Blended Orange Brand Palette Colors

Indigo Blended Orange Brand Colors Logo

Indigo Blended Orange Brand Colors

Color Name: Rhino

HEX Code: #222C65

RGB: rgb(34, 44, 101)

CMYK: 66%, 56%, 0%, 60%

Color Name: San Marino

HEX Code: #5763AB

RGB: rgb(87, 99, 171)

CMYK: 49%, 42%, 0%, 33%

Color Name: Mint Julep

HEX Code: #F2E6C4

RGB: rgb(242, 230, 196)

CMYK: 0%, 5%, 19%, 5%

Color Name: Flamingo

HEX Code: #EA5322

RGB: rgb(234, 83, 34)

CMYK: 0%, 65%, 85%, 8%

Color Name: Tan Hide

HEX Code: #F58459

RGB: rgb(245, 132, 89)

CMYK: 0%, 46%, 64%, 4%

Color Name: Calico

HEX Code: #E9C49A

RGB: rgb(233, 196, 154)

CMYK: 0%, 16%, 34%, 9%


What are the different colors codes in Indigo Blended Orange Brand palette?

The Hex Color Codes in Indigo Blended Orange Brand are #222C65 #5763AB #F2E6C4 #EA5322 #F58459 #E9C49A .

Which category does Indigo Blended Orange Brand palette belong to?

Indigo Blended Orange Brand belongs to Gold and Shine Category.

This information was last updated on 21-12-2019.