Friday Flow 00000001 Palette Color Codes


Friday Flow 00000001 Palette is a palette in Bright category and belongs to Shine Sub Category. Download the different hex colors of Friday Flow 00000001 Palette. There are a total of 5 different colors which are #807689 #816C93 #81629D #8258A7 #834EB1 . Find the color hex picture of Friday Flow 00000001 Palette.

Friday Flow 00000001 Palette Palette Colors

Friday Flow 00000001 Palette Colors Logo

Friday Flow 00000001 Palette Colors

Color Name: Trendy Pink

HEX Code: #807689

RGB: rgb(128, 118, 137)

CMYK: 7%, 14%, 0%, 46%

Color Name: Trendy Pink

HEX Code: #816C93

RGB: rgb(129, 108, 147)

CMYK: 12%, 27%, 0%, 42%

Color Name: Trendy Pink

HEX Code: #81629D

RGB: rgb(129, 98, 157)

CMYK: 18%, 38%, 0%, 38%

Color Name: Trendy Pink

HEX Code: #8258A7

RGB: rgb(130, 88, 167)

CMYK: 22%, 47%, 0%, 35%

Color Name: Trendy Pink

HEX Code: #834EB1

RGB: rgb(131, 78, 177)

CMYK: 26%, 56%, 0%, 31%


What are the different colors codes in Friday Flow 00000001 Palette palette?

The Hex Color Codes in Friday Flow 00000001 Palette are #807689 #816C93 #81629D #8258A7 #834EB1 .

Which category does Friday Flow 00000001 Palette palette belong to?

Friday Flow 00000001 Palette belongs to Bright and Shine Category.

This information was last updated on 03-03-2021.