Demonic Whatt Palette Color Codes


Demonic Whatt Palette is a palette in Monochrome category and belongs to Pigment Sub Category. Download the different hex colors of Demonic Whatt Palette. There are a total of 5 different colors which are #B84522 #A93E1D #50ACC7 #4EA4BD #8DC991 . Find the color hex picture of Demonic Whatt Palette.

Demonic Whatt Palette Palette Colors

Demonic Whatt Palette Colors Logo

Demonic Whatt Palette Colors

Color Name: Medium Carmine

HEX Code: #B84522

RGB: rgb(184, 69, 34)

CMYK: 0%, 63%, 82%, 28%

Color Name: Tabasco

HEX Code: #A93E1D

RGB: rgb(169, 62, 29)

CMYK: 0%, 63%, 83%, 34%

Color Name: Shakespeare

HEX Code: #50ACC7

RGB: rgb(80, 172, 199)

CMYK: 60%, 14%, 0%, 22%

Color Name: Fountain Blue

HEX Code: #4EA4BD

RGB: rgb(78, 164, 189)

CMYK: 59%, 13%, 0%, 26%

Color Name: Feijoa

HEX Code: #8DC991

RGB: rgb(141, 201, 145)

CMYK: 30%, 0%, 28%, 21%


What are the different colors codes in Demonic Whatt Palette palette?

The Hex Color Codes in Demonic Whatt Palette are #B84522 #A93E1D #50ACC7 #4EA4BD #8DC991 .

Which category does Demonic Whatt Palette palette belong to?

Demonic Whatt Palette belongs to Monochrome and Pigment Category.

This information was last updated on 22-03-2020.