Board2 Palette Color Codes


Board2 Palette is a palette in Bright category and belongs to Light Sub Category. Download the different hex colors of Board2 Palette. There are a total of 5 different colors which are #4A9EAF #5D456E #4C5654 #FEB744 #DB5338 . Find the color hex picture of Board2 Palette.

Board2 Palette Palette Colors

Board2 Palette Colors Logo

Board2 Palette Colors

Color Name: Hippie Blue

HEX Code: #4A9EAF

RGB: rgb(74, 158, 175)

CMYK: 58%, 10%, 0%, 31%

Color Name: Mulled Wine

HEX Code: #5D456E

RGB: rgb(93, 69, 110)

CMYK: 15%, 37%, 0%, 57%

Color Name: Nandor

HEX Code: #4C5654

RGB: rgb(76, 86, 84)

CMYK: 12%, 0%, 2%, 66%

Color Name: Yellow Orange

HEX Code: #FEB744

RGB: rgb(254, 183, 68)

CMYK: 0%, 28%, 73%, 0%

Color Name: Flame Pea

HEX Code: #DB5338

RGB: rgb(219, 83, 56)

CMYK: 0%, 62%, 74%, 14%


What are the different colors codes in Board2 Palette palette?

The Hex Color Codes in Board2 Palette are #4A9EAF #5D456E #4C5654 #FEB744 #DB5338 .

Which category does Board2 Palette palette belong to?

Board2 Palette belongs to Bright and Light Category.

This information was last updated on 05-03-2021.