Au Dip Logo Color Codes


Au Dip Logo is a palette in Monochrome category and belongs to Pigment Sub Category. Download the different hex colors of Au Dip Logo. There are a total of 5 different colors which are #F6D5B2 #CC8D4D #F0B1B1 #003667 #04181C . Find the color hex picture of Au Dip Logo.

Au Dip Logo Palette Colors

Au Dip Logo Colors Logo

Au Dip Logo Colors

Color Name: Light Apricot

HEX Code: #F6D5B2

RGB: rgb(246, 213, 178)

CMYK: 0%, 13%, 28%, 4%

Color Name: Tussock

HEX Code: #CC8D4D

RGB: rgb(204, 141, 77)

CMYK: 0%, 31%, 62%, 20%

Color Name: Sundown

HEX Code: #F0B1B1

RGB: rgb(240, 177, 177)

CMYK: 0%, 26%, 26%, 6%

Color Name: Midnight Blue

HEX Code: #003667

RGB: rgb(0, 54, 103)

CMYK: 100%, 48%, 0%, 60%

Color Name: Swamp

HEX Code: #04181C

RGB: rgb(4, 24, 28)

CMYK: 86%, 14%, 0%, 89%


What are the different colors codes in Au Dip Logo palette?

The Hex Color Codes in Au Dip Logo are #F6D5B2 #CC8D4D #F0B1B1 #003667 #04181C .

Which category does Au Dip Logo palette belong to?

Au Dip Logo belongs to Monochrome and Pigment Category.

This information was last updated on 29-01-2021.