#2A21D1 #3581BF #39779B #7959D1 #6859F7 #1B6AB5 #4185A3 Color Codes


#2A21D1 #3581BF #39779B #7959D1 #6859F7 #1B6AB5 #4185A3 is a palette in Uniforms category and belongs to Suit Sub Category. Download the different hex colors of #2A21D1 #3581BF #39779B #7959D1 #6859F7 #1B6AB5 #4185A3. There are a total of 7 different colors which are #2A21D1 #3581BF #39779B #7959D1 #6859F7 #1B6AB5 #4185A3 . Find the color hex picture of #2A21D1 #3581BF #39779B #7959D1 #6859F7 #1B6AB5 #4185A3.

#2A21D1 #3581BF #39779B #7959D1 #6859F7 #1B6AB5 #4185A3 Palette Colors

#2A21D1 #3581BF #39779B #7959D1 #6859F7 #1B6AB5 #4185A3 Colors Logo

#2A21D1 #3581BF #39779B #7959D1 #6859F7 #1B6AB5 #4185A3 Colors

Color Name: Dark Blue

HEX Code: #2A21D1

RGB: rgb(42, 33, 209)

CMYK: 80%, 84%, 0%, 18%

Color Name: Boston Blue

HEX Code: #3581BF

RGB: rgb(53, 129, 191)

CMYK: 72%, 32%, 0%, 25%

Color Name: Jelly Bean

HEX Code: #39779B

RGB: rgb(57, 119, 155)

CMYK: 63%, 23%, 0%, 39%

Color Name: Fuchsia Blue

HEX Code: #7959D1

RGB: rgb(121, 89, 209)

CMYK: 42%, 57%, 0%, 18%

Color Name: Royal Blue

HEX Code: #6859F7

RGB: rgb(104, 89, 247)

CMYK: 58%, 64%, 0%, 3%

Color Name: Denim

HEX Code: #1B6AB5

RGB: rgb(27, 106, 181)

CMYK: 85%, 41%, 0%, 29%

Color Name: Steel Blue

HEX Code: #4185A3

RGB: rgb(65, 133, 163)

CMYK: 60%, 18%, 0%, 36%


What are the different colors codes in #2A21D1 #3581BF #39779B #7959D1 #6859F7 #1B6AB5 #4185A3 palette?

The Hex Color Codes in #2A21D1 #3581BF #39779B #7959D1 #6859F7 #1B6AB5 #4185A3 are #2A21D1 #3581BF #39779B #7959D1 #6859F7 #1B6AB5 #4185A3 .

Which category does #2A21D1 #3581BF #39779B #7959D1 #6859F7 #1B6AB5 #4185A3 palette belong to?

#2A21D1 #3581BF #39779B #7959D1 #6859F7 #1B6AB5 #4185A3 belongs to Uniforms and Suit Category.

This information was last updated on 12-10-2023.