Netherlands Gouda Hotel Image Color Codes

Netherlands Gouda Hotel associates with Netherlands, Building, Hotel, Gouda features. Therefore, such a combination of colors is bound to cause a Pink Mood. Lemon Grass, Tobacco Brown, Ziggurat are colors resembling Pink. The #999284 #745E46 #372210 #BFDBEA #A4B1BA Hex Colors are all related to Netherlands Gouda Hotel.
Netherlands Gouda Hotel HEX Colors:
Color Name: Lemon Grass
HEX Code: #999284
RGB: rgb(153, 146, 132)
HSL: hsl(40, 9%, 56%)
CMYK: 0%, 5%, 14%, 40%
Color Name: Tobacco Brown
HEX Code: #745E46
RGB: rgb(116, 94, 70)
HSL: hsl(31, 25%, 36%)
CMYK: 0%, 19%, 40%, 55%
Color Name: Sambuca
HEX Code: #372210
RGB: rgb(55, 34, 16)
HSL: hsl(28, 55%, 14%)
CMYK: 0%, 38%, 71%, 78%
Color Name: Ziggurat
RGB: rgb(191, 219, 234)
HSL: hsl(201, 51%, 83%)
CMYK: 18%, 6%, 0%, 8%
Color Name: Bombay
HEX Code: #A4B1BA
RGB: rgb(164, 177, 186)
HSL: hsl(205, 14%, 69%)
CMYK: 12%, 5%, 0%, 27%
What are the different colors codes in Netherlands Gouda Hotel Image palette?
The Hex Color Codes in Netherlands Gouda Hotel are #999284 #745E46 #372210 #BFDBEA #A4B1BA .
Which category does Netherlands Gouda Hotel image belong to?
Netherlands Gouda Hotel belongs to Pink Category.
This information was last updated on 12-11-2022.