Earth Hurricane Satellite Image Color Codes


Earth Hurricane Satellite Colors Logo

Earth Hurricane Satellite associates with Earth, Satellite, Tracking, Hurricane features. Therefore, such a combination of colors is bound to cause a Mauve Mood. Blue Bell, Cod Gray, Azure are colors resembling Mauve. The #8794CD #0F0207 #5A6EC6 #3455A1 #091C5F  Hex Colors are all related to Earth Hurricane Satellite.

Earth Hurricane Satellite HEX Colors:

Color Name: Blue Bell

HEX Code: #8794CD

RGB: rgb(135, 148, 205)

HSL: hsl(229, 41%, 67%)

CMYK: 34%, 28%, 0%, 20%

Color Name: Cod Gray

HEX Code: #0F0207

RGB: rgb(15, 2, 7)

HSL: hsl(337, 76%, 3%)

CMYK: 0%, 87%, 53%, 94%

Color Name: Indigo

HEX Code: #5A6EC6

RGB: rgb(90, 110, 198)

HSL: hsl(229, 49%, 56%)

CMYK: 55%, 44%, 0%, 22%

Color Name: Azure

HEX Code: #3455A1

RGB: rgb(52, 85, 161)

HSL: hsl(222, 51%, 42%)

CMYK: 68%, 47%, 0%, 37%

Color Name: Gulf Blue

HEX Code: #091C5F

RGB: rgb(9, 28, 95)

HSL: hsl(227, 83%, 20%)

CMYK: 91%, 71%, 0%, 63%


What are the different colors codes in Earth Hurricane Satellite Image palette?

The Hex Color Codes in Earth Hurricane Satellite are #8794CD #0F0207 #5A6EC6 #3455A1 #091C5F .

Which category does Earth Hurricane Satellite image belong to?

Earth Hurricane Satellite belongs to Mauve Category.

This information was last updated on 12-11-2022.