Photographer Ocean Sea Image Color Codes

Photographer Ocean Sea associates with Photographer, Rocks, Beach, Sea, Ocean features. Therefore, such a combination of colors is bound to cause a Warm Mood. White Rock, Gable Green, Hit Gray are colors resembling Warm. The #EDE6DD #1F2E3D #C2CBD0 #A4AFB7 #3E566B Hex Colors are all related to Photographer Ocean Sea.
Photographer Ocean Sea HEX Colors:
Color Name: White Rock
RGB: rgb(237, 230, 221)
HSL: hsl(34, 31%, 90%)
CMYK: 0%, 3%, 7%, 7%
Color Name: Gable Green
HEX Code: #1F2E3D
RGB: rgb(31, 46, 61)
HSL: hsl(210, 33%, 18%)
CMYK: 49%, 25%, 0%, 76%
Color Name: Ghost
HEX Code: #C2CBD0
RGB: rgb(194, 203, 208)
HSL: hsl(201, 13%, 79%)
CMYK: 7%, 2%, 0%, 18%
Color Name: Hit Gray
HEX Code: #A4AFB7
RGB: rgb(164, 175, 183)
HSL: hsl(205, 12%, 68%)
CMYK: 10%, 4%, 0%, 28%
Color Name: San Juan
HEX Code: #3E566B
RGB: rgb(62, 86, 107)
HSL: hsl(208, 27%, 33%)
CMYK: 42%, 20%, 0%, 58%
What are the different colors codes in Photographer Ocean Sea Image palette?
The Hex Color Codes in Photographer Ocean Sea are #EDE6DD #1F2E3D #C2CBD0 #A4AFB7 #3E566B .
Which category does Photographer Ocean Sea image belong to?
Photographer Ocean Sea belongs to Warm Category.
This information was last updated on 03-09-2024.