Stairs Casual Girl Image Color Codes
![Stairs Casual Girl Colors Logo](/image-palette/8852892-stairs-casual-girl.jpg)
Stairs Casual Girl associates with Park, Down, Going, Girl, Stairs, Casual features. Therefore, such a combination of colors is bound to cause a Pastel Mood. Soya Bean, Zorba, Black Marlin are colors resembling Pastel. The #696653 #AB9B86 #5E665E #322D17 #E1D9CA Hex Colors are all related to Stairs Casual Girl.
Stairs Casual Girl HEX Colors:
Color Name: Soya Bean
HEX Code: #696653
RGB: rgb(105, 102, 83)
HSL: hsl(52, 12%, 37%)
CMYK: 0%, 3%, 21%, 59%
Color Name: Zorba
HEX Code: #AB9B86
RGB: rgb(171, 155, 134)
HSL: hsl(34, 18%, 60%)
CMYK: 0%, 9%, 22%, 33%
Color Name: Finlandia
HEX Code: #5E665E
RGB: rgb(94, 102, 94)
HSL: hsl(120, 4%, 38%)
CMYK: 8%, 0%, 8%, 60%
Color Name: Black Marlin
HEX Code: #322D17
RGB: rgb(50, 45, 23)
HSL: hsl(49, 37%, 14%)
CMYK: 0%, 10%, 54%, 80%
Color Name: Bone
HEX Code: #E1D9CA
RGB: rgb(225, 217, 202)
HSL: hsl(39, 28%, 84%)
CMYK: 0%, 4%, 10%, 12%
What are the different colors codes in Stairs Casual Girl Image palette?
The Hex Color Codes in Stairs Casual Girl are #696653 #AB9B86 #5E665E #322D17 #E1D9CA .
Which category does Stairs Casual Girl image belong to?
Stairs Casual Girl belongs to Pastel Category.
This information was last updated on 26-07-2024.