Human Yen Sheikh Model Image Color Codes
![Human Yen Sheikh Model Colors Logo](/image-palette/8503404-human-yen sheikh-model.jpg)
Human Yen Sheikh Model associates with Body, Hair, Yen, Yen Sheikh, Sheikh, Human, Model features. Therefore, such a combination of colors is bound to cause a Chocolate Mood. Ceramic, Celtic, Pine Cone are colors resembling Chocolate. The #FCFCFA #192125 #1D2321 #695D52 #485B49 Hex Colors are all related to Human Yen Sheikh Model.
Human Yen Sheikh Model HEX Colors:
Color Name: Ceramic
RGB: rgb(252, 252, 250)
HSL: hsl(60, 25%, 98%)
CMYK: 0%, 0%, 1%, 1%
Color Name: Celtic
HEX Code: #192125
RGB: rgb(25, 33, 37)
HSL: hsl(200, 19%, 12%)
CMYK: 32%, 11%, 0%, 85%
Color Name: Celtic
HEX Code: #1D2321
RGB: rgb(29, 35, 33)
HSL: hsl(160, 9%, 13%)
CMYK: 17%, 0%, 6%, 86%
Color Name: Pine Cone
HEX Code: #695D52
RGB: rgb(105, 93, 82)
HSL: hsl(29, 12%, 37%)
CMYK: 0%, 11%, 22%, 59%
Color Name: Gray Asparagus
HEX Code: #485B49
RGB: rgb(72, 91, 73)
HSL: hsl(123, 12%, 32%)
CMYK: 21%, 0%, 20%, 64%
What are the different colors codes in Human Yen Sheikh Model Image palette?
The Hex Color Codes in Human Yen Sheikh Model are #FCFCFA #192125 #1D2321 #695D52 #485B49 .
Which category does Human Yen Sheikh Model image belong to?
Human Yen Sheikh Model belongs to Chocolate Category.
This information was last updated on 04-05-2024.