Flower Plant Lotus Image Color Codes


Flower Plant Lotus Colors Logo

Flower Plant Lotus associates with Lotus, Pink, Plant, Flower features. Therefore, such a combination of colors is bound to cause a Earth Mood. Heavy Metal, Lunar Green, Manatee are colors resembling Earth. The #223821 #2D4D2F #405D4A #9697A4 #84928B  Hex Colors are all related to Flower Plant Lotus.

Flower Plant Lotus HEX Colors:

Color Name: Heavy Metal

HEX Code: #223821

RGB: rgb(34, 56, 33)

HSL: hsl(117, 26%, 17%)

CMYK: 39%, 0%, 41%, 78%

Color Name: Lunar Green

HEX Code: #2D4D2F

RGB: rgb(45, 77, 47)

HSL: hsl(124, 26%, 24%)

CMYK: 42%, 0%, 39%, 70%

Color Name: Gray Asparagus

HEX Code: #405D4A

RGB: rgb(64, 93, 74)

HSL: hsl(141, 18%, 31%)

CMYK: 31%, 0%, 20%, 64%

Color Name: Manatee

HEX Code: #9697A4

RGB: rgb(150, 151, 164)

HSL: hsl(236, 7%, 62%)

CMYK: 9%, 8%, 0%, 36%

Color Name: Spanish Green

HEX Code: #84928B

RGB: rgb(132, 146, 139)

HSL: hsl(150, 6%, 55%)

CMYK: 10%, 0%, 5%, 43%


What are the different colors codes in Flower Plant Lotus Image palette?

The Hex Color Codes in Flower Plant Lotus are #223821 #2D4D2F #405D4A #9697A4 #84928B .

Which category does Flower Plant Lotus image belong to?

Flower Plant Lotus belongs to Earth Category.

This information was last updated on 15-04-2024.