Tree Dry Branches Image Color Codes

Tree Dry Branches associates with Dry, Branches, Wood, Tree, Nature features. Therefore, such a combination of colors is bound to cause a Bright Mood. Polo Blue, Victoria, Van Cleef are colors resembling Bright. The #86ACCA #4A5E9A #855A31 #481F0B #5D77AF Hex Colors are all related to Tree Dry Branches.
Tree Dry Branches HEX Colors:
Color Name: Polo Blue
HEX Code: #86ACCA
RGB: rgb(134, 172, 202)
HSL: hsl(206, 39%, 66%)
CMYK: 34%, 15%, 0%, 21%
Color Name: Victoria
HEX Code: #4A5E9A
RGB: rgb(74, 94, 154)
HSL: hsl(225, 35%, 45%)
CMYK: 52%, 39%, 0%, 40%
Color Name: Potters Clay
HEX Code: #855A31
RGB: rgb(133, 90, 49)
HSL: hsl(29, 46%, 36%)
CMYK: 0%, 32%, 63%, 48%
Color Name: Van Cleef
HEX Code: #481F0B
RGB: rgb(72, 31, 11)
HSL: hsl(20, 73%, 16%)
CMYK: 0%, 57%, 85%, 72%
Color Name: San Marino
HEX Code: #5D77AF
RGB: rgb(93, 119, 175)
HSL: hsl(221, 34%, 53%)
CMYK: 47%, 32%, 0%, 31%
What are the different colors codes in Tree Dry Branches Image palette?
The Hex Color Codes in Tree Dry Branches are #86ACCA #4A5E9A #855A31 #481F0B #5D77AF .
Which category does Tree Dry Branches image belong to?
Tree Dry Branches belongs to Bright Category.
This information was last updated on 13-01-2024.