Sprouts Tree Branches Leaf Buds Image Color Codes
![Sprouts Tree Branches Leaf Buds Colors Logo](/image-palette/8011070-sprouts-tree branches-leaf buds.jpg)
Sprouts Tree Branches Leaf Buds associates with Buds, Branches, Tree Branches, Tree, Leaf Buds, Sprouts, Leaf features. Therefore, such a combination of colors is bound to cause a Silver Mood. Gallery, Tobacco Brown, Sambuca are colors resembling Silver. The #EBEBF0 #745E47 #AE9D8E #372712 #DDD8D5 Hex Colors are all related to Sprouts Tree Branches Leaf Buds.
Sprouts Tree Branches Leaf Buds HEX Colors:
Color Name: Gallery
RGB: rgb(235, 235, 240)
HSL: hsl(240, 14%, 93%)
CMYK: 2%, 2%, 0%, 6%
Color Name: Tobacco Brown
HEX Code: #745E47
RGB: rgb(116, 94, 71)
HSL: hsl(31, 24%, 37%)
CMYK: 0%, 19%, 39%, 55%
Color Name: Del Rio
HEX Code: #AE9D8E
RGB: rgb(174, 157, 142)
HSL: hsl(28, 16%, 62%)
CMYK: 0%, 10%, 18%, 32%
Color Name: Sambuca
HEX Code: #372712
RGB: rgb(55, 39, 18)
HSL: hsl(34, 51%, 14%)
CMYK: 0%, 29%, 67%, 78%
Color Name: Westar
HEX Code: #DDD8D5
RGB: rgb(221, 216, 213)
HSL: hsl(22, 11%, 85%)
CMYK: 0%, 2%, 4%, 13%
What are the different colors codes in Sprouts Tree Branches Leaf Buds Image palette?
The Hex Color Codes in Sprouts Tree Branches Leaf Buds are #EBEBF0 #745E47 #AE9D8E #372712 #DDD8D5 .
Which category does Sprouts Tree Branches Leaf Buds image belong to?
Sprouts Tree Branches Leaf Buds belongs to Silver Category.
This information was last updated on 03-06-2023.