Bloom Flower Floribunda Image Color Codes
![Bloom Flower Floribunda Colors Logo](/image-palette/7966444-bloom-flower-floribunda.jpg)
Bloom Flower Floribunda associates with Blossom, Flower, Bloom, Floribunda features. Therefore, such a combination of colors is bound to cause a Pink Mood. Strikemaster, East Side, Wisteria are colors resembling Pink. The #93448E #BC81CB #0D1C0A #AB60AF #0B0903 Hex Colors are all related to Bloom Flower Floribunda.
Bloom Flower Floribunda HEX Colors:
Color Name: Strikemaster
HEX Code: #93448E
RGB: rgb(147, 68, 142)
HSL: hsl(304, 37%, 42%)
CMYK: 0%, 54%, 3%, 42%
Color Name: East Side
HEX Code: #BC81CB
RGB: rgb(188, 129, 203)
HSL: hsl(288, 42%, 65%)
CMYK: 7%, 36%, 0%, 20%
Color Name: Black Forest
HEX Code: #0D1C0A
RGB: rgb(13, 28, 10)
HSL: hsl(110, 47%, 7%)
CMYK: 54%, 0%, 64%, 89%
Color Name: Wisteria
HEX Code: #AB60AF
RGB: rgb(171, 96, 175)
HSL: hsl(297, 33%, 53%)
CMYK: 2%, 45%, 0%, 31%
Color Name: Marshland
HEX Code: #0B0903
RGB: rgb(11, 9, 3)
HSL: hsl(45, 57%, 3%)
CMYK: 0%, 18%, 73%, 96%
What are the different colors codes in Bloom Flower Floribunda Image palette?
The Hex Color Codes in Bloom Flower Floribunda are #93448E #BC81CB #0D1C0A #AB60AF #0B0903 .
Which category does Bloom Flower Floribunda image belong to?
Bloom Flower Floribunda belongs to Pink Category.
This information was last updated on 03-06-2023.