Spring Almond Tree Flower Image Color Codes
![Spring Almond Tree Flower Colors Logo](/image-palette/7856220-spring-almond tree-flower.jpg)
Spring Almond Tree Flower associates with Spring, Almond Tree, Flower, Almond, Tree features. Therefore, such a combination of colors is bound to cause a Valentine Mood. Victoria, Amethyst Smoke, Snuff are colors resembling Valentine. The #4E5480 #AE8BA9 #6475AE #E8DEE8 #70526A Hex Colors are all related to Spring Almond Tree Flower.
Spring Almond Tree Flower HEX Colors:
Color Name: Victoria
HEX Code: #4E5480
RGB: rgb(78, 84, 128)
HSL: hsl(233, 24%, 40%)
CMYK: 39%, 34%, 0%, 50%
Color Name: Amethyst Smoke
HEX Code: #AE8BA9
RGB: rgb(174, 139, 169)
HSL: hsl(309, 18%, 61%)
CMYK: 0%, 20%, 3%, 32%
Color Name: Deluge
HEX Code: #6475AE
RGB: rgb(100, 117, 174)
HSL: hsl(226, 31%, 54%)
CMYK: 43%, 33%, 0%, 32%
Color Name: Snuff
HEX Code: #E8DEE8
RGB: rgb(232, 222, 232)
HSL: hsl(300, 18%, 89%)
CMYK: 0%, 4%, 0%, 9%
Color Name: Salt Box
HEX Code: #70526A
RGB: rgb(112, 82, 106)
HSL: hsl(312, 15%, 38%)
CMYK: 0%, 27%, 5%, 56%
What are the different colors codes in Spring Almond Tree Flower Image palette?
The Hex Color Codes in Spring Almond Tree Flower are #4E5480 #AE8BA9 #6475AE #E8DEE8 #70526A .
Which category does Spring Almond Tree Flower image belong to?
Spring Almond Tree Flower belongs to Valentine Category.
This information was last updated on 10-05-2023.