Petals Buds Flowers Image Color Codes
Petals Buds Flowers associates with Buds, Petals, White, Flowers, Flower features. Therefore, such a combination of colors is bound to cause a Earth Mood. Japanese Laurel, Crusoe, Yellow Metal are colors resembling Earth. The #096814 #034214 #1D821D #6B6C3C #D4D7F2 Hex Colors are all related to Petals Buds Flowers.
Petals Buds Flowers HEX Colors:
Color Name: Japanese Laurel
HEX Code: #096814
RGB: rgb(9, 104, 20)
HSL: hsl(127, 84%, 22%)
CMYK: 91%, 0%, 81%, 59%
Color Name: Crusoe
HEX Code: #034214
RGB: rgb(3, 66, 20)
HSL: hsl(136, 91%, 14%)
CMYK: 95%, 0%, 70%, 74%
Color Name: Forest Green
HEX Code: #1D821D
RGB: rgb(29, 130, 29)
HSL: hsl(120, 64%, 31%)
CMYK: 78%, 0%, 78%, 49%
Color Name: Yellow Metal
HEX Code: #6B6C3C
RGB: rgb(107, 108, 60)
HSL: hsl(61, 29%, 33%)
CMYK: 1%, 0%, 44%, 58%
Color Name: Fog
HEX Code: #D4D7F2
RGB: rgb(212, 215, 242)
HSL: hsl(234, 54%, 89%)
CMYK: 12%, 11%, 0%, 5%
What are the different colors codes in Petals Buds Flowers Image palette?
The Hex Color Codes in Petals Buds Flowers are #096814 #034214 #1D821D #6B6C3C #D4D7F2 .
Which category does Petals Buds Flowers image belong to?
Petals Buds Flowers belongs to Earth Category.
This information was last updated on 10-05-2023.