Snow White Sheep Image Color Codes
![Snow White Sheep Colors Logo](/image-palette/7656178-snow-white-sheep.jpg)
Snow White Sheep associates with Sheep, White, Snow, Animal, Nature features. Therefore, such a combination of colors is bound to cause a Nature Mood. Jungle Mist, Nandor, Hit Gray are colors resembling Nature. The #BECBDE #4D515B #313237 #A1ADBC #736757 Hex Colors are all related to Snow White Sheep.
Snow White Sheep HEX Colors:
Color Name: Jungle Mist
RGB: rgb(190, 203, 222)
HSL: hsl(216, 33%, 81%)
CMYK: 14%, 9%, 0%, 13%
Color Name: Nandor
HEX Code: #4D515B
RGB: rgb(77, 81, 91)
HSL: hsl(223, 8%, 33%)
CMYK: 15%, 11%, 0%, 64%
Color Name: Mine Shaft
HEX Code: #313237
RGB: rgb(49, 50, 55)
HSL: hsl(230, 6%, 20%)
CMYK: 11%, 9%, 0%, 78%
Color Name: Hit Gray
RGB: rgb(161, 173, 188)
HSL: hsl(213, 17%, 68%)
CMYK: 14%, 8%, 0%, 26%
Color Name: Coffee
HEX Code: #736757
RGB: rgb(115, 103, 87)
HSL: hsl(34, 14%, 40%)
CMYK: 0%, 10%, 24%, 55%
What are the different colors codes in Snow White Sheep Image palette?
The Hex Color Codes in Snow White Sheep are #BECBDE #4D515B #313237 #A1ADBC #736757 .
Which category does Snow White Sheep image belong to?
Snow White Sheep belongs to Nature Category.
This information was last updated on 10-01-2023.