Countryside Road Mountains Image Color Codes
![Countryside Road Mountains Colors Logo](/image-palette/7631054-countryside-road-mountains.jpg)
Countryside Road Mountains associates with Countryside, Mountains, Sky, Road features. Therefore, such a combination of colors is bound to cause a Bright Mood. Shuttle Gray, Bali Hai, Link Water are colors resembling Bright. The #546D7A #849CAB #232015 #DCE2E8 #2F373C Hex Colors are all related to Countryside Road Mountains.
Countryside Road Mountains HEX Colors:
Color Name: Shuttle Gray
HEX Code: #546D7A
RGB: rgb(84, 109, 122)
HSL: hsl(201, 18%, 40%)
CMYK: 31%, 11%, 0%, 52%
Color Name: Bali Hai
HEX Code: #849CAB
RGB: rgb(132, 156, 171)
HSL: hsl(203, 19%, 59%)
CMYK: 23%, 9%, 0%, 33%
Color Name: Zeus
HEX Code: #232015
RGB: rgb(35, 32, 21)
HSL: hsl(47, 25%, 11%)
CMYK: 0%, 9%, 40%, 86%
Color Name: Link Water
HEX Code: #DCE2E8
RGB: rgb(220, 226, 232)
HSL: hsl(210, 21%, 89%)
CMYK: 5%, 3%, 0%, 9%
Color Name: Outer Space
HEX Code: #2F373C
RGB: rgb(47, 55, 60)
HSL: hsl(203, 12%, 21%)
CMYK: 22%, 8%, 0%, 76%
What are the different colors codes in Countryside Road Mountains Image palette?
The Hex Color Codes in Countryside Road Mountains are #546D7A #849CAB #232015 #DCE2E8 #2F373C .
Which category does Countryside Road Mountains image belong to?
Countryside Road Mountains belongs to Bright Category.
This information was last updated on 10-01-2023.