Petals Flowers Rose Image Color Codes


Petals Flowers Rose Colors Logo

Petals Flowers Rose associates with Blossom, Rose, Flowers, Bloom, Petals features. Therefore, such a combination of colors is bound to cause a Peach Mood. Shadow, Sandrift, Vivid Violet are colors resembling Peach. The #866940 #B69C71 #A68448 #993981 #D275D4  Hex Colors are all related to Petals Flowers Rose.

Petals Flowers Rose HEX Colors:

Color Name: Shadow

HEX Code: #866940

RGB: rgb(134, 105, 64)

HSL: hsl(35, 35%, 39%)

CMYK: 0%, 22%, 52%, 47%

Color Name: Sandrift

HEX Code: #B69C71

RGB: rgb(182, 156, 113)

HSL: hsl(37, 32%, 58%)

CMYK: 0%, 14%, 38%, 29%

Color Name: Driftwood

HEX Code: #A68448

RGB: rgb(166, 132, 72)

HSL: hsl(38, 39%, 47%)

CMYK: 0%, 20%, 57%, 35%

Color Name: Vivid Violet

HEX Code: #993981

RGB: rgb(153, 57, 129)

HSL: hsl(315, 46%, 41%)

CMYK: 0%, 63%, 16%, 40%

Color Name: Orchid

HEX Code: #D275D4

RGB: rgb(210, 117, 212)

HSL: hsl(299, 52%, 65%)

CMYK: 1%, 45%, 0%, 17%


What are the different colors codes in Petals Flowers Rose Image palette?

The Hex Color Codes in Petals Flowers Rose are #866940 #B69C71 #A68448 #993981 #D275D4 .

Which category does Petals Flowers Rose image belong to?

Petals Flowers Rose belongs to Peach Category.

This information was last updated on 10-01-2023.