Leaves Fern Phone Wallpaper Image Color Codes
Leaves Fern Phone Wallpaper associates with Plant, Phone Wallpaper, Leaves, Wallpaper, Fern, Phone features. Therefore, such a combination of colors is bound to cause a Warm Mood. English Holly, Tom Thumb, Black Pearl are colors resembling Warm. The #062D1A #2A703A #175A27 #051A20 #539A61 Hex Colors are all related to Leaves Fern Phone Wallpaper.
Leaves Fern Phone Wallpaper HEX Colors:
Color Name: English Holly
HEX Code: #062D1A
RGB: rgb(6, 45, 26)
HSL: hsl(151, 76%, 10%)
CMYK: 87%, 0%, 42%, 82%
Color Name: Tom Thumb
HEX Code: #2A703A
RGB: rgb(42, 112, 58)
HSL: hsl(134, 45%, 30%)
CMYK: 63%, 0%, 48%, 56%
Color Name: Everglade
HEX Code: #175A27
RGB: rgb(23, 90, 39)
HSL: hsl(134, 59%, 22%)
CMYK: 74%, 0%, 57%, 65%
Color Name: Black Pearl
HEX Code: #051A20
RGB: rgb(5, 26, 32)
HSL: hsl(193, 73%, 7%)
CMYK: 84%, 19%, 0%, 87%
Color Name: Spring Leaves
HEX Code: #539A61
RGB: rgb(83, 154, 97)
HSL: hsl(132, 30%, 46%)
CMYK: 46%, 0%, 37%, 40%
What are the different colors codes in Leaves Fern Phone Wallpaper Image palette?
The Hex Color Codes in Leaves Fern Phone Wallpaper are #062D1A #2A703A #175A27 #051A20 #539A61 .
Which category does Leaves Fern Phone Wallpaper image belong to?
Leaves Fern Phone Wallpaper belongs to Warm Category.
This information was last updated on 05-11-2022.