Flower Orchid Natural Image Color Codes
![Flower Orchid Natural Colors Logo](/image-palette/7442621-flower-orchid-natural.jpg)
Flower Orchid Natural associates with Bloom, Botany, Flower, Natural, Orchid features. Therefore, such a combination of colors is bound to cause a Night Mood. Black Pearl, East Side, Prelude are colors resembling Night. The #070F27 #BF89C6 #DDD9E8 #DCC6E5 #890E50 Hex Colors are all related to Flower Orchid Natural.
Flower Orchid Natural HEX Colors:
Color Name: Black Pearl
HEX Code: #070F27
RGB: rgb(7, 15, 39)
HSL: hsl(225, 70%, 9%)
CMYK: 82%, 62%, 0%, 85%
Color Name: East Side
HEX Code: #BF89C6
RGB: rgb(191, 137, 198)
HSL: hsl(293, 35%, 66%)
CMYK: 4%, 31%, 0%, 22%
Color Name: Geyser
HEX Code: #DDD9E8
RGB: rgb(221, 217, 232)
HSL: hsl(256, 25%, 88%)
CMYK: 5%, 6%, 0%, 9%
Color Name: Prelude
HEX Code: #DCC6E5
RGB: rgb(220, 198, 229)
HSL: hsl(283, 37%, 84%)
CMYK: 4%, 14%, 0%, 10%
Color Name: Cardinal Pink
HEX Code: #890E50
RGB: rgb(137, 14, 80)
HSL: hsl(328, 81%, 30%)
CMYK: 0%, 90%, 42%, 46%
What are the different colors codes in Flower Orchid Natural Image palette?
The Hex Color Codes in Flower Orchid Natural are #070F27 #BF89C6 #DDD9E8 #DCC6E5 #890E50 .
Which category does Flower Orchid Natural image belong to?
Flower Orchid Natural belongs to Night Category.
This information was last updated on 05-11-2022.