Paradise Beach Crete Image Color Codes
![Paradise Beach Crete Colors Logo](/image-palette/7403216-paradise-beach-crete.jpg)
Paradise Beach Crete associates with Crete, Beach, Vacation, Paradise features. Therefore, such a combination of colors is bound to cause a Nature Mood. Indian Khaki, Venice Blue, Ship Cove are colors resembling Nature. The #C3A581 #115C8C #E8D1B5 #799ABA #806648 Hex Colors are all related to Paradise Beach Crete.
Paradise Beach Crete HEX Colors:
Color Name: Indian Khaki
HEX Code: #C3A581
RGB: rgb(195, 165, 129)
HSL: hsl(33, 35%, 64%)
CMYK: 0%, 15%, 34%, 24%
Color Name: Venice Blue
HEX Code: #115C8C
RGB: rgb(17, 92, 140)
HSL: hsl(203, 78%, 31%)
CMYK: 88%, 34%, 0%, 45%
Color Name: Grain Brown
HEX Code: #E8D1B5
RGB: rgb(232, 209, 181)
HSL: hsl(33, 53%, 81%)
CMYK: 0%, 10%, 22%, 9%
Color Name: Ship Cove
HEX Code: #799ABA
RGB: rgb(121, 154, 186)
HSL: hsl(210, 32%, 60%)
CMYK: 35%, 17%, 0%, 27%
Color Name: Shadow
HEX Code: #806648
RGB: rgb(128, 102, 72)
HSL: hsl(32, 28%, 39%)
CMYK: 0%, 20%, 44%, 50%
What are the different colors codes in Paradise Beach Crete Image palette?
The Hex Color Codes in Paradise Beach Crete are #C3A581 #115C8C #E8D1B5 #799ABA #806648 .
Which category does Paradise Beach Crete image belong to?
Paradise Beach Crete belongs to Nature Category.
This information was last updated on 22-07-2023.