Drink Tea Jasmine Image Color Codes
![Drink Tea Jasmine Colors Logo](/image-palette/7042451-drink-tea-jasmine.jpg)
Drink Tea Jasmine associates with Tea, Flowers, Drink, Jasmine, Beverage features. Therefore, such a combination of colors is bound to cause a Pastel Mood. Go Ben, Zorba, Swans Down are colors resembling Pastel. The #756346 #A19989 #392919 #DBE0E3 #DDE2DF Hex Colors are all related to Drink Tea Jasmine.
Drink Tea Jasmine HEX Colors:
Color Name: Go Ben
HEX Code: #756346
RGB: rgb(117, 99, 70)
HSL: hsl(37, 25%, 37%)
CMYK: 0%, 15%, 40%, 54%
Color Name: Zorba
HEX Code: #A19989
RGB: rgb(161, 153, 137)
HSL: hsl(40, 11%, 58%)
CMYK: 0%, 5%, 15%, 37%
Color Name: Black Marlin
HEX Code: #392919
RGB: rgb(57, 41, 25)
HSL: hsl(30, 39%, 16%)
CMYK: 0%, 28%, 56%, 78%
Color Name: Swans Down
HEX Code: #DBE0E3
RGB: rgb(219, 224, 227)
HSL: hsl(202, 12%, 87%)
CMYK: 4%, 1%, 0%, 11%
Color Name: Willow Brook
RGB: rgb(221, 226, 223)
HSL: hsl(144, 8%, 88%)
CMYK: 2%, 0%, 1%, 11%
What are the different colors codes in Drink Tea Jasmine Image palette?
The Hex Color Codes in Drink Tea Jasmine are #756346 #A19989 #392919 #DBE0E3 #DDE2DF .
Which category does Drink Tea Jasmine image belong to?
Drink Tea Jasmine belongs to Pastel Category.
This information was last updated on 04-06-2023.