Plant Trunk Lake Image Color Codes
![Plant Trunk Lake Colors Logo](/image-palette/6972641-plant-trunk-lake.jpg)
Plant Trunk Lake HEX Colors:
Color Name: Geyser
RGB: rgb(220, 222, 224)
HSL: hsl(210, 6%, 87%)
CMYK: 2%, 1%, 0%, 12%
Color Name: Green White
HEX Code: #E9E8E7
RGB: rgb(233, 232, 231)
HSL: hsl(30, 4%, 91%)
CMYK: 0%, 0%, 1%, 9%
Color Name: Zeus
HEX Code: #2B2518
RGB: rgb(43, 37, 24)
HSL: hsl(41, 28%, 13%)
CMYK: 0%, 14%, 44%, 83%
Color Name: Mercury
HEX Code: #E2E4E3
RGB: rgb(226, 228, 227)
HSL: hsl(150, 4%, 89%)
CMYK: 1%, 0%, 0%, 11%
Color Name: Dorado
HEX Code: #60584C
RGB: rgb(96, 88, 76)
HSL: hsl(36, 12%, 34%)
CMYK: 0%, 8%, 21%, 62%
What are the different colors codes in Plant Trunk Lake Image palette?
The Hex Color Codes in Plant Trunk Lake are #DCDEE0 #E9E8E7 #2B2518 #E2E4E3 #60584C .
Which category does Plant Trunk Lake image belong to?
Plant Trunk Lake belongs to Night Category.
This information was last updated on 03-07-2024.