Fruit Dessert Kiwi Image Color Codes
Fruit Dessert Kiwi associates with Kiwi, Dessert, Fruit, Vitamins, Sweet features. Therefore, such a combination of colors is bound to cause a Silver Mood. Mercury, Gallery, Westar are colors resembling Silver. The #E2E4E7 #EBEFED #ADA891 #DADAD3 #725E42 Hex Colors are all related to Fruit Dessert Kiwi.
Fruit Dessert Kiwi HEX Colors:
Color Name: Mercury
HEX Code: #E2E4E7
RGB: rgb(226, 228, 231)
HSL: hsl(216, 9%, 90%)
CMYK: 2%, 1%, 0%, 9%
Color Name: Gallery
RGB: rgb(235, 239, 237)
HSL: hsl(150, 11%, 93%)
CMYK: 2%, 0%, 1%, 6%
Color Name: Napa
HEX Code: #ADA891
RGB: rgb(173, 168, 145)
HSL: hsl(49, 15%, 62%)
CMYK: 0%, 3%, 16%, 32%
Color Name: Westar
RGB: rgb(218, 218, 211)
HSL: hsl(60, 9%, 84%)
CMYK: 0%, 0%, 3%, 15%
Color Name: Tobacco Brown
HEX Code: #725E42
RGB: rgb(114, 94, 66)
HSL: hsl(35, 27%, 35%)
CMYK: 0%, 18%, 42%, 55%
What are the different colors codes in Fruit Dessert Kiwi Image palette?
The Hex Color Codes in Fruit Dessert Kiwi are #E2E4E7 #EBEFED #ADA891 #DADAD3 #725E42 .
Which category does Fruit Dessert Kiwi image belong to?
Fruit Dessert Kiwi belongs to Silver Category.
This information was last updated on 27-06-2024.