Frog Terrarium Rainforest Image Color Codes
![Frog Terrarium Rainforest Colors Logo](/image-palette/6328885-frog-terrarium-rainforest.jpg)
Frog Terrarium Rainforest associates with Terrarium, Amphibian, Frog, Rainforest features. Therefore, such a combination of colors is bound to cause a Neon Mood. Eternity, Citron, Yellow Metal are colors resembling Neon. The #221909 #9CAB1C #C4A863 #75653A #515214 Hex Colors are all related to Frog Terrarium Rainforest.
Frog Terrarium Rainforest HEX Colors:
Color Name: Eternity
HEX Code: #221909
RGB: rgb(34, 25, 9)
HSL: hsl(38, 58%, 8%)
CMYK: 0%, 26%, 74%, 87%
Color Name: Citron
HEX Code: #9CAB1C
RGB: rgb(156, 171, 28)
HSL: hsl(66, 72%, 39%)
CMYK: 9%, 0%, 84%, 33%
Color Name: Laser
HEX Code: #C4A863
RGB: rgb(196, 168, 99)
HSL: hsl(43, 45%, 58%)
CMYK: 0%, 14%, 49%, 23%
Color Name: Yellow Metal
HEX Code: #75653A
RGB: rgb(117, 101, 58)
HSL: hsl(44, 34%, 34%)
CMYK: 0%, 14%, 50%, 54%
Color Name: Saratoga
HEX Code: #515214
RGB: rgb(81, 82, 20)
HSL: hsl(61, 61%, 20%)
CMYK: 1%, 0%, 76%, 68%
What are the different colors codes in Frog Terrarium Rainforest Image palette?
The Hex Color Codes in Frog Terrarium Rainforest are #221909 #9CAB1C #C4A863 #75653A #515214 .
Which category does Frog Terrarium Rainforest image belong to?
Frog Terrarium Rainforest belongs to Neon Category.
This information was last updated on 11-03-2024.