Musician Concert Music Band Image Color Codes


Musician Concert Music Band Colors Logo

Musician Concert Music Band associates with Singer, Concert, Artist, Microphone, Mic, Musician, Hanoi, Hanoi Rock City, Band, Live, Vietnam, Music, Performance, Singing, Stage features. Therefore, such a combination of colors is bound to cause a Warm Mood. Jacaranda, Jaguar, Dandelion are colors resembling Warm. The #2B0332 #0B0217 #68098A #FAD15E #93366E  Hex Colors are all related to Musician Concert Music Band.

Musician Concert Music Band HEX Colors:

Color Name: Jacaranda

HEX Code: #2B0332

RGB: rgb(43, 3, 50)

HSL: hsl(291, 89%, 10%)

CMYK: 14%, 94%, 0%, 80%

Color Name: Jaguar

HEX Code: #0B0217

RGB: rgb(11, 2, 23)

HSL: hsl(266, 84%, 5%)

CMYK: 52%, 91%, 0%, 91%

Color Name: Purple

HEX Code: #68098A

RGB: rgb(104, 9, 138)

HSL: hsl(284, 88%, 29%)

CMYK: 25%, 93%, 0%, 46%

Color Name: Dandelion

HEX Code: #FAD15E

RGB: rgb(250, 209, 94)

HSL: hsl(44, 94%, 67%)

CMYK: 0%, 16%, 62%, 2%

Color Name: Vin Rouge

HEX Code: #93366E

RGB: rgb(147, 54, 110)

HSL: hsl(324, 46%, 39%)

CMYK: 0%, 63%, 25%, 42%


What are the different colors codes in Musician Concert Music Band Image palette?

The Hex Color Codes in Musician Concert Music Band are #2B0332 #0B0217 #68098A #FAD15E #93366E .

Which category does Musician Concert Music Band image belong to?

Musician Concert Music Band belongs to Warm Category.

This information was last updated on 27-02-2025.