Shops Street Flower Background Image Color Codes
![Shops Street Flower Background Colors Logo](/image-palette/500313-shops-street-flower background.jpg)
Shops Street Flower Background associates with Building, Shops, Street, Architecture, Flower Background features. Therefore, such a combination of colors is bound to cause a Christmas Mood. Onion, Shingle Fawn, Saratoga are colors resembling Christmas. The #2E280F #725C31 #EEDAA9 #4E5013 #DEC98F Hex Colors are all related to Shops Street Flower Background.
Shops Street Flower Background HEX Colors:
Color Name: Onion
HEX Code: #2E280F
RGB: rgb(46, 40, 15)
HSL: hsl(48, 51%, 12%)
CMYK: 0%, 13%, 67%, 82%
Color Name: Shingle Fawn
HEX Code: #725C31
RGB: rgb(114, 92, 49)
HSL: hsl(40, 40%, 32%)
CMYK: 0%, 19%, 57%, 55%
Color Name: Hampton
RGB: rgb(238, 218, 169)
HSL: hsl(43, 67%, 80%)
CMYK: 0%, 8%, 29%, 7%
Color Name: Saratoga
HEX Code: #4E5013
RGB: rgb(78, 80, 19)
HSL: hsl(62, 62%, 19%)
CMYK: 2%, 0%, 76%, 69%
Color Name: Brandy
HEX Code: #DEC98F
RGB: rgb(222, 201, 143)
HSL: hsl(44, 54%, 72%)
CMYK: 0%, 9%, 36%, 13%
What are the different colors codes in Shops Street Flower Background Image palette?
The Hex Color Codes in Shops Street Flower Background are #2E280F #725C31 #EEDAA9 #4E5013 #DEC98F .
Which category does Shops Street Flower Background image belong to?
Shops Street Flower Background belongs to Christmas Category.
This information was last updated on 06-10-2024.