Blue Sky The Sea White Cloud Image Color Codes
Blue Sky The Sea White Cloud associates with Blue, Sky, Sea, White Cloud, The, Blue Sky, White, Cloud, The Sea features. Therefore, such a combination of colors is bound to cause a Nature Mood. Gulf Stream, Botticelli, Teal Blue are colors resembling Nature. The #87A7BE #CED7E0 #396F81 #074454 #105262 Hex Colors are all related to Blue Sky The Sea White Cloud.
Blue Sky The Sea White Cloud HEX Colors:
Color Name: Gulf Stream
HEX Code: #87A7BE
RGB: rgb(135, 167, 190)
HSL: hsl(205, 30%, 64%)
CMYK: 29%, 12%, 0%, 25%
Color Name: Botticelli
HEX Code: #CED7E0
RGB: rgb(206, 215, 224)
HSL: hsl(210, 22%, 84%)
CMYK: 8%, 4%, 0%, 12%
Color Name: Calypso
HEX Code: #396F81
RGB: rgb(57, 111, 129)
HSL: hsl(195, 39%, 36%)
CMYK: 56%, 14%, 0%, 49%
Color Name: Teal Blue
HEX Code: #074454
RGB: rgb(7, 68, 84)
HSL: hsl(192, 85%, 18%)
CMYK: 92%, 19%, 0%, 67%
Color Name: Chathams Blue
HEX Code: #105262
RGB: rgb(16, 82, 98)
HSL: hsl(192, 72%, 22%)
CMYK: 84%, 16%, 0%, 62%
What are the different colors codes in Blue Sky The Sea White Cloud Image palette?
The Hex Color Codes in Blue Sky The Sea White Cloud are #87A7BE #CED7E0 #396F81 #074454 #105262 .
Which category does Blue Sky The Sea White Cloud image belong to?
Blue Sky The Sea White Cloud belongs to Nature Category.
This information was last updated on 13-10-2024.