Mountain Winter Snow Image Color Codes
![Mountain Winter Snow Colors Logo](/image-palette/4883525-mountain-winter-snow.jpg)
Mountain Winter Snow associates with Mountain, Cold, Snow, Clean, Winter features. Therefore, such a combination of colors is bound to cause a Cream Mood. Gallery, Mikado, Pine Cone are colors resembling Cream. The #EBECF0 #282516 #9D9FA6 #615F52 #5D5F65 Hex Colors are all related to Mountain Winter Snow.
Mountain Winter Snow HEX Colors:
Color Name: Gallery
RGB: rgb(235, 236, 240)
HSL: hsl(228, 14%, 93%)
CMYK: 2%, 2%, 0%, 6%
Color Name: Mikado
HEX Code: #282516
RGB: rgb(40, 37, 22)
HSL: hsl(50, 29%, 12%)
CMYK: 0%, 7%, 45%, 84%
Color Name: Manatee
HEX Code: #9D9FA6
RGB: rgb(157, 159, 166)
HSL: hsl(227, 5%, 63%)
CMYK: 5%, 4%, 0%, 35%
Color Name: Pine Cone
HEX Code: #615F52
RGB: rgb(97, 95, 82)
HSL: hsl(52, 8%, 35%)
CMYK: 0%, 2%, 15%, 62%
Color Name: Mid Gray
HEX Code: #5D5F65
RGB: rgb(93, 95, 101)
HSL: hsl(225, 4%, 38%)
CMYK: 8%, 6%, 0%, 60%
What are the different colors codes in Mountain Winter Snow Image palette?
The Hex Color Codes in Mountain Winter Snow are #EBECF0 #282516 #9D9FA6 #615F52 #5D5F65 .
Which category does Mountain Winter Snow image belong to?
Mountain Winter Snow belongs to Cream Category.
This information was last updated on 10-11-2024.