Paper Yellow Pencil Image Color Codes
![Paper Yellow Pencil Colors Logo](/image-palette/4847734-paper-yellow-pencil.jpg)
Paper Yellow Pencil associates with Pencil, Paper, Pad, Yellow, Blank features. Therefore, such a combination of colors is bound to cause a Cream Mood. Cape Honey, Putty, Geebung are colors resembling Cream. The #FAE8AF #EACE84 #DCA742 #D99317 #B3610F Hex Colors are all related to Paper Yellow Pencil.
Paper Yellow Pencil HEX Colors:
Color Name: Cape Honey
RGB: rgb(250, 232, 175)
HSL: hsl(46, 88%, 83%)
CMYK: 0%, 7%, 30%, 2%
Color Name: Putty
HEX Code: #EACE84
RGB: rgb(234, 206, 132)
HSL: hsl(44, 71%, 72%)
CMYK: 0%, 12%, 44%, 8%
Color Name: Roti
HEX Code: #DCA742
RGB: rgb(220, 167, 66)
HSL: hsl(39, 69%, 56%)
CMYK: 0%, 24%, 70%, 14%
Color Name: Geebung
HEX Code: #D99317
RGB: rgb(217, 147, 23)
HSL: hsl(38, 81%, 47%)
CMYK: 0%, 32%, 89%, 15%
Color Name: Pumpkin Skin
HEX Code: #B3610F
RGB: rgb(179, 97, 15)
HSL: hsl(30, 85%, 38%)
CMYK: 0%, 46%, 92%, 30%
What are the different colors codes in Paper Yellow Pencil Image palette?
The Hex Color Codes in Paper Yellow Pencil are #FAE8AF #EACE84 #DCA742 #D99317 #B3610F .
Which category does Paper Yellow Pencil image belong to?
Paper Yellow Pencil belongs to Cream Category.
This information was last updated on 15-03-2023.