Bloom Flower Botany Image Color Codes
![Bloom Flower Botany Colors Logo](/image-palette/4581759-bloom-flower-botany.jpg)
Bloom Flower Botany associates with Blossom, Botany, Flower, Bloom, Growth features. Therefore, such a combination of colors is bound to cause a Beige Mood. Mystic, Concrete, Firefly are colors resembling Beige. The #E1E5EB #F3F3F1 #A5A08E #1E202A #A9ABB2 Hex Colors are all related to Bloom Flower Botany.
Bloom Flower Botany HEX Colors:
Color Name: Mystic
HEX Code: #E1E5EB
RGB: rgb(225, 229, 235)
HSL: hsl(216, 20%, 90%)
CMYK: 4%, 3%, 0%, 8%
Color Name: Concrete
HEX Code: #F3F3F1
RGB: rgb(243, 243, 241)
HSL: hsl(60, 8%, 95%)
CMYK: 0%, 0%, 1%, 5%
Color Name: Tallow
HEX Code: #A5A08E
RGB: rgb(165, 160, 142)
HSL: hsl(47, 11%, 60%)
CMYK: 0%, 3%, 14%, 35%
Color Name: Firefly
HEX Code: #1E202A
RGB: rgb(30, 32, 42)
HSL: hsl(230, 17%, 14%)
CMYK: 29%, 24%, 0%, 84%
Color Name: Aluminium
HEX Code: #A9ABB2
RGB: rgb(169, 171, 178)
HSL: hsl(227, 6%, 68%)
CMYK: 5%, 4%, 0%, 30%
What are the different colors codes in Bloom Flower Botany Image palette?
The Hex Color Codes in Bloom Flower Botany are #E1E5EB #F3F3F1 #A5A08E #1E202A #A9ABB2 .
Which category does Bloom Flower Botany image belong to?
Bloom Flower Botany belongs to Beige Category.
This information was last updated on 07-03-2023.