Food Tomatoes Red Food Image Color Codes
![Food Tomatoes Red Food Colors Logo](/image-palette/4213150-food-tomatoes-red food.jpg)
Food Tomatoes Red Food associates with Food, Vegetables, Red Food, Red, Tomatoes features. Therefore, such a combination of colors is bound to cause a Dark Mood. Mirage, River Bed, Bulgarian Rose are colors resembling Dark. The #1B1E25 #454D59 #A54125 #470804 #290709 Hex Colors are all related to Food Tomatoes Red Food.
Food Tomatoes Red Food HEX Colors:
Color Name: Mirage
HEX Code: #1B1E25
RGB: rgb(27, 30, 37)
HSL: hsl(222, 16%, 13%)
CMYK: 27%, 19%, 0%, 85%
Color Name: River Bed
HEX Code: #454D59
RGB: rgb(69, 77, 89)
HSL: hsl(216, 13%, 31%)
CMYK: 22%, 13%, 0%, 65%
Color Name: Medium Carmine
HEX Code: #A54125
RGB: rgb(165, 65, 37)
HSL: hsl(13, 63%, 40%)
CMYK: 0%, 61%, 78%, 35%
Color Name: Bulgarian Rose
HEX Code: #470804
RGB: rgb(71, 8, 4)
HSL: hsl(4, 89%, 15%)
CMYK: 0%, 89%, 94%, 72%
Color Name: Sepia Black
HEX Code: #290709
RGB: rgb(41, 7, 9)
HSL: hsl(356, 71%, 9%)
CMYK: 0%, 83%, 78%, 84%
What are the different colors codes in Food Tomatoes Red Food Image palette?
The Hex Color Codes in Food Tomatoes Red Food are #1B1E25 #454D59 #A54125 #470804 #290709 .
Which category does Food Tomatoes Red Food image belong to?
Food Tomatoes Red Food belongs to Dark Category.
This information was last updated on 25-02-2023.