Rose Jewish Jerusalem Image Color Codes

Rose Jewish Jerusalem associates with Jewish, Rose, Jerusalem, Holy, Alley features. Therefore, such a combination of colors is bound to cause a Pastel Mood. Crocodile, Pale Oyster, Timberwolf are colors resembling Pastel. The #7E6951 #9B8D7B #938067 #DAD6C9 #392E22 Hex Colors are all related to Rose Jewish Jerusalem.
Rose Jewish Jerusalem HEX Colors:
Color Name: Crocodile
HEX Code: #7E6951
RGB: rgb(126, 105, 81)
HSL: hsl(32, 22%, 41%)
CMYK: 0%, 17%, 36%, 51%
Color Name: Pale Oyster
HEX Code: #9B8D7B
RGB: rgb(155, 141, 123)
HSL: hsl(34, 14%, 55%)
CMYK: 0%, 9%, 21%, 39%
Color Name: Clay Creek
HEX Code: #938067
RGB: rgb(147, 128, 103)
HSL: hsl(34, 18%, 49%)
CMYK: 0%, 13%, 30%, 42%
Color Name: Timberwolf
HEX Code: #DAD6C9
RGB: rgb(218, 214, 201)
HSL: hsl(46, 19%, 82%)
CMYK: 0%, 2%, 8%, 15%
Color Name: English Walnut
HEX Code: #392E22
RGB: rgb(57, 46, 34)
HSL: hsl(31, 25%, 18%)
CMYK: 0%, 19%, 40%, 78%
What are the different colors codes in Rose Jewish Jerusalem Image palette?
The Hex Color Codes in Rose Jewish Jerusalem are #7E6951 #9B8D7B #938067 #DAD6C9 #392E22 .
Which category does Rose Jewish Jerusalem image belong to?
Rose Jewish Jerusalem belongs to Pastel Category.
This information was last updated on 22-11-2022.