Vase Green Herb Image Color Codes


Vase Green Herb Colors Logo

Vase Green Herb associates with Herb, Pots, Vase, Green, In, Flowers features. Therefore, such a combination of colors is bound to cause a Blue Mood. Blue Bell, Palm Leaf, Hillary are colors resembling Blue. The #819BC7 #103611 #415A82 #BDA386 #377746  Hex Colors are all related to Vase Green Herb.

Vase Green Herb HEX Colors:

Color Name: Blue Bell

HEX Code: #819BC7

RGB: rgb(129, 155, 199)

HSL: hsl(218, 38%, 64%)

CMYK: 35%, 22%, 0%, 22%

Color Name: Palm Leaf

HEX Code: #103611

RGB: rgb(16, 54, 17)

HSL: hsl(122, 54%, 14%)

CMYK: 70%, 0%, 69%, 79%

Color Name: Victoria

HEX Code: #415A82

RGB: rgb(65, 90, 130)

HSL: hsl(217, 33%, 38%)

CMYK: 50%, 31%, 0%, 49%

Color Name: Hillary

HEX Code: #BDA386

RGB: rgb(189, 163, 134)

HSL: hsl(32, 29%, 63%)

CMYK: 0%, 14%, 29%, 26%

Color Name: Killarney

HEX Code: #377746

RGB: rgb(55, 119, 70)

HSL: hsl(134, 37%, 34%)

CMYK: 54%, 0%, 41%, 53%


What are the different colors codes in Vase Green Herb Image palette?

The Hex Color Codes in Vase Green Herb are #819BC7 #103611 #415A82 #BDA386 #377746 .

Which category does Vase Green Herb image belong to?

Vase Green Herb belongs to Blue Category.

This information was last updated on 10-02-2023.