Snow Nature Winter Image Color Codes
![Snow Nature Winter Colors Logo](/image-palette/3244283-snow-nature-winter.jpg)
Snow Nature Winter associates with Mountain, Winter, Nature, Snow, Ice, Cold features. Therefore, such a combination of colors is bound to cause a Bright Mood. Santas Gray, Chambray, Astronaut are colors resembling Bright. The #9CA5B1 #3E5780 #CDD4DC #233C70 #DDE3E2 Hex Colors are all related to Snow Nature Winter.
Snow Nature Winter HEX Colors:
Color Name: Santas Gray
HEX Code: #9CA5B1
RGB: rgb(156, 165, 177)
HSL: hsl(214, 12%, 65%)
CMYK: 12%, 7%, 0%, 31%
Color Name: Chambray
HEX Code: #3E5780
RGB: rgb(62, 87, 128)
HSL: hsl(217, 35%, 37%)
CMYK: 52%, 32%, 0%, 50%
Color Name: Nebula
RGB: rgb(205, 212, 220)
HSL: hsl(212, 18%, 83%)
CMYK: 7%, 4%, 0%, 14%
Color Name: Astronaut
HEX Code: #233C70
RGB: rgb(35, 60, 112)
HSL: hsl(221, 52%, 29%)
CMYK: 69%, 46%, 0%, 56%
Color Name: Swans Down
HEX Code: #DDE3E2
RGB: rgb(221, 227, 226)
HSL: hsl(170, 10%, 88%)
CMYK: 3%, 0%, 0%, 11%
What are the different colors codes in Snow Nature Winter Image palette?
The Hex Color Codes in Snow Nature Winter are #9CA5B1 #3E5780 #CDD4DC #233C70 #DDE3E2 .
Which category does Snow Nature Winter image belong to?
Snow Nature Winter belongs to Bright Category.
This information was last updated on 30-01-2024.