Alternative Drinks Food Image Color Codes
![Alternative Drinks Food Colors Logo](/image-palette/2940279-alternative-drinks-food.jpg)
Alternative Drinks Food associates with Food, Alternative, Cafe, Drinks features. Therefore, such a combination of colors is bound to cause a Beige Mood. Iron, Hillary, Shark are colors resembling Beige. The #D4D7DD #B6A189 #7C614C #27272B #ACADB7 Hex Colors are all related to Alternative Drinks Food.
Alternative Drinks Food HEX Colors:
Color Name: Iron
HEX Code: #D4D7DD
RGB: rgb(212, 215, 221)
HSL: hsl(220, 12%, 85%)
CMYK: 4%, 3%, 0%, 13%
Color Name: Hillary
HEX Code: #B6A189
RGB: rgb(182, 161, 137)
HSL: hsl(32, 24%, 63%)
CMYK: 0%, 12%, 25%, 29%
Color Name: Go Ben
HEX Code: #7C614C
RGB: rgb(124, 97, 76)
HSL: hsl(26, 24%, 39%)
CMYK: 0%, 22%, 39%, 51%
Color Name: Shark
HEX Code: #27272B
RGB: rgb(39, 39, 43)
HSL: hsl(240, 5%, 16%)
CMYK: 9%, 9%, 0%, 83%
Color Name: Spun Pearl
RGB: rgb(172, 173, 183)
HSL: hsl(235, 7%, 70%)
CMYK: 6%, 5%, 0%, 28%
What are the different colors codes in Alternative Drinks Food Image palette?
The Hex Color Codes in Alternative Drinks Food are #D4D7DD #B6A189 #7C614C #27272B #ACADB7 .
Which category does Alternative Drinks Food image belong to?
Alternative Drinks Food belongs to Beige Category.
This information was last updated on 29-01-2023.