Bovist Umbrinum Dusting Image Color Codes
![Bovist Umbrinum Dusting Colors Logo](/image-palette/2842675-bovist-umbrinum-dusting.jpg)
Bovist Umbrinum Dusting associates with Bovist, Dusting, Umbrinum, Mushroom features. Therefore, such a combination of colors is bound to cause a Pink Mood. Old Copper, Brown Tumbleweed, Saratoga are colors resembling Pink. The #76503D #322309 #BF9860 #56500B #A5834B Hex Colors are all related to Bovist Umbrinum Dusting.
Bovist Umbrinum Dusting HEX Colors:
Color Name: Old Copper
HEX Code: #76503D
RGB: rgb(118, 80, 61)
HSL: hsl(20, 32%, 35%)
CMYK: 0%, 32%, 48%, 54%
Color Name: Brown Tumbleweed
HEX Code: #322309
RGB: rgb(50, 35, 9)
HSL: hsl(38, 69%, 12%)
CMYK: 0%, 30%, 82%, 80%
Color Name: Teak
HEX Code: #BF9860
RGB: rgb(191, 152, 96)
HSL: hsl(35, 43%, 56%)
CMYK: 0%, 20%, 50%, 25%
Color Name: Saratoga
HEX Code: #56500B
RGB: rgb(86, 80, 11)
HSL: hsl(55, 77%, 19%)
CMYK: 0%, 7%, 87%, 66%
Color Name: Driftwood
HEX Code: #A5834B
RGB: rgb(165, 131, 75)
HSL: hsl(37, 38%, 47%)
CMYK: 0%, 21%, 55%, 35%
What are the different colors codes in Bovist Umbrinum Dusting Image palette?
The Hex Color Codes in Bovist Umbrinum Dusting are #76503D #322309 #BF9860 #56500B #A5834B .
Which category does Bovist Umbrinum Dusting image belong to?
Bovist Umbrinum Dusting belongs to Pink Category.
This information was last updated on 26-01-2023.