Lips Lipstick Mouth Image Color Codes


Lips Lipstick Mouth Colors Logo

Lips Lipstick Mouth associates with Lips, Mouth, Lipstick, Cosmetics features. Therefore, such a combination of colors is bound to cause a Beige Mood. White, Lipstick, Barossa are colors resembling Beige. The #FEFEFE #AE0369 #EDEDF2 #470229 #F3EFF2  Hex Colors are all related to Lips Lipstick Mouth.

Lips Lipstick Mouth HEX Colors:

Color Name: White


RGB: rgb(254, 254, 254)

HSL: hsl(0, 0%, 100%)

CMYK: 0%, 0%, 0%, 0%

Color Name: Lipstick

HEX Code: #AE0369

RGB: rgb(174, 3, 105)

HSL: hsl(324, 97%, 35%)

CMYK: 0%, 98%, 40%, 32%

Color Name: Athens Gray


RGB: rgb(237, 237, 242)

HSL: hsl(240, 16%, 94%)

CMYK: 2%, 2%, 0%, 5%

Color Name: Barossa

HEX Code: #470229

RGB: rgb(71, 2, 41)

HSL: hsl(326, 95%, 14%)

CMYK: 0%, 97%, 42%, 72%

Color Name: Amour

HEX Code: #F3EFF2

RGB: rgb(243, 239, 242)

HSL: hsl(315, 14%, 95%)

CMYK: 0%, 2%, 0%, 5%


What are the different colors codes in Lips Lipstick Mouth Image palette?

The Hex Color Codes in Lips Lipstick Mouth are #FEFEFE #AE0369 #EDEDF2 #470229 #F3EFF2 .

Which category does Lips Lipstick Mouth image belong to?

Lips Lipstick Mouth belongs to Beige Category.

This information was last updated on 26-01-2023.