Reading Magazines Books Image Color Codes
![Reading Magazines Books Colors Logo](/image-palette/2618106-reading-magazines-books.jpg)
Reading Magazines Books associates with Books, Magazines, Reading, Tablet features. Therefore, such a combination of colors is bound to cause a Nature Mood. Amethyst Smoke, Scorpion, Blackcurrant are colors resembling Nature. The #B49DA7 #705160 #E3E5EC #392636 #141626 Hex Colors are all related to Reading Magazines Books.
Reading Magazines Books HEX Colors:
Color Name: Amethyst Smoke
HEX Code: #B49DA7
RGB: rgb(180, 157, 167)
HSL: hsl(334, 13%, 66%)
CMYK: 0%, 13%, 7%, 29%
Color Name: Scorpion
HEX Code: #705160
RGB: rgb(112, 81, 96)
HSL: hsl(331, 16%, 38%)
CMYK: 0%, 28%, 14%, 56%
Color Name: Mystic
HEX Code: #E3E5EC
RGB: rgb(227, 229, 236)
HSL: hsl(227, 19%, 91%)
CMYK: 4%, 3%, 0%, 7%
Color Name: Blackcurrant
HEX Code: #392636
RGB: rgb(57, 38, 54)
HSL: hsl(309, 20%, 19%)
CMYK: 0%, 33%, 5%, 78%
Color Name: Mirage
HEX Code: #141626
RGB: rgb(20, 22, 38)
HSL: hsl(233, 31%, 11%)
CMYK: 47%, 42%, 0%, 85%
What are the different colors codes in Reading Magazines Books Image palette?
The Hex Color Codes in Reading Magazines Books are #B49DA7 #705160 #E3E5EC #392636 #141626 .
Which category does Reading Magazines Books image belong to?
Reading Magazines Books belongs to Nature Category.
This information was last updated on 20-01-2023.