Apple Red Fruit Image Color Codes
![Apple Red Fruit Colors Logo](/image-palette/2599996-apple-red-fruit.jpg)
Apple Red Fruit associates with Apple, Food, Juicy, Fruit, Health, Red features. Therefore, such a combination of colors is bound to cause a Magenta Mood. Asphalt, Temptress, Burgundy are colors resembling Magenta. The #180D0A #34090F #1A1F26 #970C20 #85A7C0 Hex Colors are all related to Apple Red Fruit.
Apple Red Fruit HEX Colors:
Color Name: Asphalt
HEX Code: #180D0A
RGB: rgb(24, 13, 10)
HSL: hsl(13, 41%, 7%)
CMYK: 0%, 46%, 58%, 91%
Color Name: Temptress
HEX Code: #34090F
RGB: rgb(52, 9, 15)
HSL: hsl(352, 70%, 12%)
CMYK: 0%, 83%, 71%, 80%
Color Name: Mirage
HEX Code: #1A1F26
RGB: rgb(26, 31, 38)
HSL: hsl(215, 19%, 13%)
CMYK: 32%, 18%, 0%, 85%
Color Name: Burgundy
HEX Code: #970C20
RGB: rgb(151, 12, 32)
HSL: hsl(351, 85%, 32%)
CMYK: 0%, 92%, 79%, 41%
Color Name: Nepal
HEX Code: #85A7C0
RGB: rgb(133, 167, 192)
HSL: hsl(205, 32%, 64%)
CMYK: 31%, 13%, 0%, 25%
What are the different colors codes in Apple Red Fruit Image palette?
The Hex Color Codes in Apple Red Fruit are #180D0A #34090F #1A1F26 #970C20 #85A7C0 .
Which category does Apple Red Fruit image belong to?
Apple Red Fruit belongs to Magenta Category.
This information was last updated on 23-03-2024.