Orange Happy Birthday Rose Image Color Codes
Orange Happy Birthday Rose associates with Flower, Rose, Happy Birthday, Birthday, Orange, Happy features. Therefore, such a combination of colors is bound to cause a Magenta Mood. New York Pink, Turtle Green, Kumera are colors resembling Magenta. The #D78D7D #2F3605 #3F570C #83622D #D19399 Hex Colors are all related to Orange Happy Birthday Rose.
Orange Happy Birthday Rose HEX Colors:
Color Name: New York Pink
HEX Code: #D78D7D
RGB: rgb(215, 141, 125)
HSL: hsl(11, 53%, 67%)
CMYK: 0%, 34%, 42%, 16%
Color Name: Turtle Green
HEX Code: #2F3605
RGB: rgb(47, 54, 5)
HSL: hsl(69, 83%, 12%)
CMYK: 13%, 0%, 91%, 79%
Color Name: Clover
HEX Code: #3F570C
RGB: rgb(63, 87, 12)
HSL: hsl(79, 76%, 19%)
CMYK: 28%, 0%, 86%, 66%
Color Name: Kumera
HEX Code: #83622D
RGB: rgb(131, 98, 45)
HSL: hsl(37, 49%, 35%)
CMYK: 0%, 25%, 66%, 49%
Color Name: Petite Orchid
HEX Code: #D19399
RGB: rgb(209, 147, 153)
HSL: hsl(354, 40%, 70%)
CMYK: 0%, 30%, 27%, 18%
What are the different colors codes in Orange Happy Birthday Rose Image palette?
The Hex Color Codes in Orange Happy Birthday Rose are #D78D7D #2F3605 #3F570C #83622D #D19399 .
Which category does Orange Happy Birthday Rose image belong to?
Orange Happy Birthday Rose belongs to Magenta Category.
This information was last updated on 18-11-2022.